PoTS, LASERs and Other Acronyms: An Introduction

I never wanted to let my illness define me. That was a simple enough thought to relate to until it came to writing my personal bio. I struggled for weeks to come up with a paragraph that would be snappy, upbeat and still authentically me. After actively trying not to mention PoTS, I was forced to admit a truth to myself: I am defined by my illness - and that’s okay. If I wasn’t ill I wouldn’t be playing with lasers or making a website and I probably wouldn’t be as easily amused by trees which, in and of itself, would be a tragedy.

In this blog I intend to (at the risk of sounding cliché) share my journey with you. I’d like to bring you along with me as I develop my laser cutting mastery and learn (and fail) at new crafts and skills. As you get to know me, my business, and the things I create, it is also important to me that I remain open and honest with you about my health and disabilities. It’s a huge part of who I am and why Greenwood Gifted even exists in the first place.

I tried for years to fit into the able bodied world around me but when I realised that that world had no place for me I was liberated. I may not able bodied but I do have abilities. I created this part of my website with the sole purpose of sharing both of those aspects with you. I’d be honoured if you’d join me here for however long you’d like.

Thanks for reading.
Please comment, follow or reach out to me on socials. I’d love to hear from you!

Acronym Decoder
PoTS: Postural orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome
Laser: light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation


The PoTS life chose me: heart medications that make your pharmacist say “what?”